Abigail Fort Abigail Fort

The WHY behind MOAI

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Discover ‘the WHY behind MOAI’ and delve into subjects that can lead to a healthier, more connected, and conscious collective. Explore topics ranging from community-building and mental wellness to sustainable living and mindfulness. Read below to find out more about our interests and how they can inspire positive change in both individual lives and society as a whole.

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Abigail Fort Abigail Fort

Abundance vs Scarcity mindset and Addiction.

Abundance vs Scarcity Mindest. The power of positive thinking - manifestaion and its relation to quantum physics.

Add before you take away.

A friend and I were talking the other day about addiction. When asked about my experience with addiction and what advice I would give as it pertains to me and my experience. I stumbled my words because it is such a complicated phenomenon to talk about. However, although this advice unfortunately may not work for everyone; it moved mountains for me. My advice was, “before you take away, add to your life.” For context this was in conversation about addiction to drugs and alcohol, but can be applied to all addiction. For me before I started restricting myself when weening off of substances, I started adding to my life. I added daily walking, which led to daily running, which led to weight lifting, and a triathlon. And now has become a part of my daily routine. This skill and routine allowed me to fall into place when everything else felt so out of place. When I did start to remove my consumption of these substances. For example if I was having a bad or chaotic day and typically my coping mechanisms was to smoke a joint, take a pill, hit a vape or go out and get cocktails to “decompress”. All this did was delay and avoid my problems. Although I felt better momentarily. It came back to haunt me later and now I was hung over or craving another vice. Adding in a positive action (habit) that I could depend on and use as an alternative coping mechanism allowed me to feel more control of my outcome. This alternative action could be used as a vice anytime I was stressed out. Even now I would consider it a healthy addiction? This goes for any healthy habit, whether it’s cooking a healthy meal, reading, exercise, pottery, crafting. It could be anything. Pick something to take up and allow it to become a habit and safety net for you to use to build your confidence and as a substitute for whatever it may be you are trying to remove from your life. Because thinking of removing or quitting cold turkey seems like the only option sometimes. I disagree, (not applied to all addiction cases) (of course cold turkey with proper resources to support your recovery can be an option too.) but for the most part there is shades of grey in between the cold turkey. Gradually adding in allows you to think from a place of abundance rather than a scarcity mindset. Which leads me to abundance vs scarcity.

The scarcity mindset is a belief that there is never enough, leading to feelings of fear, competition, and insecurity. This mentality can be detrimental as it fosters a sense of lack and limits one's ability to see opportunities and possibilities. On the other hand, abundance thinking is the belief that there is plenty for everyone and opportunities are limitless. It encourages gratitude, collaboration, and creativity, leading to a more fulfilling and prosperous life.

When starting a buisness with hopes to collabrate with other local buisness, this thought came up alot, espically with others. The advice i’ve been given is to show up as a compliment rather than competion. Alhtough my intention was never to compete; rather connect. This advice rings true but also could reflect the thinking of others. There is enough space for us to coexist and support each other.


The power of positive thinking, often associated with abundance thinking, has been explored in various fields, including psychology and quantum physics. Quantum physics suggests that our thoughts and beliefs can influence our reality at a fundamental level. For example, the observer effect suggests that the act of observing a phenomenon can alter its outcome. Similarly, the placebo effect demonstrates how positive beliefs and expectations can lead to real physiological changes in the body.

Manifestation, a concept rooted in positive thinking, involves focusing on desired outcomes and visualizing them as if they have already happened. While it may sound esoteric, there is evidence to suggest that manifestation techniques can influence behavior and outcomes. Studies have shown that visualization and positive affirmations can enhance performance, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.

By adopting an abundance mindset and harnessing the power of positive thinking, individuals can cultivate resilience, attract opportunities, and create the life they desire. It's about shifting focus from what is lacking to what is possible, and embracing a mindset of abundance and possibility.

The power of positive thinking is no joke. Whether it placebo or the answer or combination of both it has worked for me and I empower you to try to shift your thoughts and watch your reality follow suit. I encourage you to read more below as well as do your independent research if this topic aligns with you.

written by : Abby Fort

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Abigail Fort Abigail Fort


General background on the Bluezones

Blue zones are regions of the world where people live significantly longer and healthier lives compared to the global average. They typically have the most people to live to 100 in their regions of the world. These areas have been studied extensively by researchers seeking to understand the factors contributing to longevity and well-being.

Blue zones are important because they offer valuable insights into lifestyle habits, social structures, and cultural practices that promote longevity and vitality. By studying blue zones, researchers have identified common characteristics shared by these populations, including diet, physical activity, social connections, and a sense of purpose.

Key lessons we can learn from blue zones include the importance of adopting a plant-based diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes; engaging in regular physical activity, such as walking, gardening, or cycling; fostering strong social connections and community engagement; maintaining a sense of purpose and belonging; and managing stress through relaxation techniques and healthy coping mechanisms.

Some of the main blue zones identified by researchers include:

1. Okinawa, Japan: Known for its high number of centenarians and healthy aging population, Okinawa emphasizes a plant-based diet, regular physical activity, and a strong sense of community.

2. Sardinia, Italy: The mountainous region of Sardinia boasts one of the highest concentrations of male centenarians in the world, attributed to factors such as a traditional Mediterranean diet, active lifestyle, and close-knit family networks.

3. Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica: Residents of the Nicoya Peninsula enjoy lower rates of chronic diseases and longer life expectancy, attributed to factors such as a plant-based diet, strong social support networks, and a relaxed lifestyle.

4. Ikaria, Greece: Known as the "island where people forget to die," Ikaria has a high percentage of centenarians and low rates of chronic disease, attributed to factors such as a Mediterranean diet, daily physical activity, and a strong sense of community.

5. Loma Linda, California, USA: Home to a community of Seventh-day Adventists, Loma Linda has a high concentration of centenarians and lower rates of chronic diseases compared to the surrounding area, attributed to factors such as a plant-based diet, regular exercise, and strong social ties.

Studying these blue zones and adopting their lifestyle practices can provide valuable insights into promoting longevity, vitality, and overall well-being in our own lives.

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